About us

And what you can expect from this blog

Welcome to our blog

We, that is Bine, Micha and Frieda. I, Bine, am the blogger who writes the texts and travel reports. Writing is not only my passion, but also my job. So I look back on more than 10 years as an editor. And then there is my husband Micha, without whom I could hardly imagine life and travel. You will discover him here in one or the other picture. But the pack is only complete with Frieda, our dog. About 5 years old today, she lived the first years of her life in Romania before she was brought to Germany by animal welfare in 2020 and thus to us. DIRTY PAWS TRAVEL is of course inspired by her as the name of this blog. Because Frieda is happiest when we are walking through nature on secluded paths. Fortunately, she also forgives us for one or the other city trip. We live together in our adopted home of Witten. Here we also found out that you can experience big and small adventures everywhere, even in the Ruhr area.

Traveling with a dog: How it all began

When we decided to include Frieda in our lives in 2020, there was one question in particular that we were asked again and again:

"Don't you want to travel anymore?"

And the question was no accident. Until then we were constantly looking for the next adventure. And if that was waiting for us on the other side of the world, then we got on the plane and flew off. So a lot has changed since Frieda has been part of our lives. But one thing is not: Our desire to be outdoors, to experience new things and to travel. Only the type of travel is completely different today: more forward-looking, more sustainable - and anything but boring. But if there's one thing we've learned, it's that planning a trip with a dog can be quite a challenge.

In this blog we would therefore like to share everything we have learned about traveling with a dog and what we have already experienced together. That doesn't mean that this blog is only for dog owners, by the way. Think of it more as a dog-friendly blog for people who are constantly looking for adventure.

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Whether it's rooftop camping in Scandinavia, hiking in the Ruhr area or in our normal everyday life: We'd be happy if you join us on Instagram.